Trinity River Watershed Document Links

This list is not designed to include all of the data that resides on the Trinity River Restoration Program’s Document and Data Library,, which is extensive. Rather, it is designed to provide a quick reference guide for those researching the big picture of the Trinity River Watershed and specific information regarding the Trinity River subwatersheds. Most information relating to the mainstem Trinity River is intentionally excluded. The TRRP library is an excellent place to look if you don’t find what you are looking for here. Categories are listed alphabetically:
- Agencies, Organizations and Tribes
- Climate Change
- Monitoring Data, Plans and Reports
- Other
- Road-Related Documents
- TMDL Documents
- USFS Shasta-Trinity National Forest Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER) Reports – 2015
- Watershed Analyses/Assessments within the Trinity River Watershed
- Watershed Guides and Plans
Agencies, Organizations and Tribes
Bureau of Land Management, Redding Field Office
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Watershed Network
This nonprofit organization was formed in 2000 to help protect and restore watersheds in California through community-based networks. The website contains some information on watershed events and older information on watersheds of interest, but most of it has not been updated since 2011.
Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program
The goal of the Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program (5C) is to seek opportunities to contribute to the long-term recovery of salmon and steelhead in Northern California. A 501 (c) 3 non-profit.
Hoopa Valley Tribe
The Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation is the largest California reservation and occupies some 144 square miles in the lower watershed.
Natural Resources Conservation Service – California
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board- Trinity River Watershed Information
Salmonid Restoration Federation
This nonprofit group was formed in 1986 to assist salmonid restoration efforts in California. Their web site contains a wealth of information on salmonids and habitat and stream restoration in California.
Trinity County
Trinity River Restoration Program
This is a multi-agency program dedicated to the restoration of the river system and its wildlife and fisheries. Their website contains a wealth of information.
US Forest Service, Shasta-Trinity National Forest
Much of the Trinity River Watershed is within Shasta-Trinity National Forest jurisdiction.
US Forest Service, Six Rivers National Forest
A small portion of the Trinity River Watershed is within the Six Rivers National Forest jurisdiction.
The Watershed Research and Training Center
Works locally, regionally, and nationally to develop innovative approaches to natural resource management, economic development and community resilience. A 501 (c) 3 non-profit.
The Yurok Tribe
While the tribal reservation is not in the Trinity River Watershed, the Yurok are invested in the watershed through the salmon runs, their culture and history, and participation in the Trinity River Restoration Program.
Climate Change
Assessment of Watershed Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest
April 2012; Prepared by: Christine Mai, Forest Hydrologist; and Fred Levitan, Steve Bachman, and William Brock.
Forest and Water Climate Adaptation: A Plan for Trinity County, CA.
Medley-Daniel, M. & Thaler, T., Griffith, G., Crossett, T., (Eds). 2011. Model Forest Policy Program in association with The Watershed Research and Training Center and Cumberland River Compact. Sagle, ID.
Summary of current trends and probable future trends in climate and climate driven processes for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest and surrounding lands
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Jan 2011.
Monitoring Data, Plans and Reports
2019 Trinity River Tributaries Gap and Trend Analysis
2019 Landscape Level Restoration Gap and Trend Analysis for the Tributaries of the Trinity River, California.
GIS Analysis of the Tributaries of the Trinity River, California.
California Cooperative Anadromous Fish and Habitat Data Program (CalFish)
California Fish Passage Assessment Database Project (PAD).
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Biogeographic Branch
The mission of CDFW's Biogeographic Data Branch is to collaborate with others to collect, manage, analyze, and distribute biogeographic data for effective conservation and management of California's natural resources.
California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN)
Water quality and habitat data and information are contained at this site in a spreadsheet format. Pay careful attention to the instructions.
CAL FIRE Fire and Resource Assessment Program
This site contains a wealth of information on the amount and extent of forest and rangelands along with analysis of conditions. Maps, projects, and assessments are available on the site, including GIS layers for timber harvesting, vegetation, and other resources.
California Geographic Information Portal
This portal has a search engine for the portal itself and ArcGIS online. Information and GIS layers can be accessed for a variety of data, including hillshade, vegetation, rivers, contours, stream fish habitat by reach, stream inventory reports, and CalWater 2.2 maps.
California Stream Conditions Index
California Department of Water Resources Water Data Library
There are a few active monitoring stations in the watershed, but there is large amount of historical data, going back about 60 years, depending on the site.
California Water Boards Water Rights Database
Statements of water diversion and use, registrations, certificates and water rights permits are accessible on the eWRIMS, Electronic Water Rights Information Management System. This link includes a mapping application.
Hoopa Valley Outmigrant Monitoring Report 2015-2016
Abundance of Juvenile Salmonids in Tributaries on the Hoopa Valley Reservation, 2015-2016. Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department, December 31, 2016.
Klamath Basin Monitoring Program
A warehouse of monitoring information for the Trinity River Watershed resides on this website.
KRIS (Trinity)
This system was originally developed as a data repository and analysis and management tool for the Klamath River Watershed. A host of information is available through this site, including maps, water quality data, fisheries data, photographs, and scientific references.
Land and Resource Management Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Report Fiscal Years 2009 & 2010
Oct. 2012, USFS, Shasta-Trinity National Forest.
Long Term Trend Monitoring Program For The South Fork Trinity River Watershed
US Forest Service, Six Rivers National Forest. Dresser, A., C. Cook and M. Smith. March, 2001.
Motorized Travel Management Final Environmental Impact Statement
February 2010, US Forest Service.
National Gap Analysis Project (GAP) | Protected Areas Data Portal
NorWeST Stream Temp - Regional Database
Updated in April 2017 to incorporate all the South Fork Trinity data that Riverbend Sciences compiled for WRTC in 2015/2016. The updated USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station NorWeST compiled database of observed data is available online at:
Updated USFS RMRS NorWeST model predictions for mean August stream temperature data are available online at:
Recovery Outline for the Distinct Population Segment of Northern California Steelhead
National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Regional Office, May 2007
Roadless Area Conservation Website, USFS
South Fork Trinity River Water Quality Monitoring Project, Draft Final Report
TCRCD, Aug. 2003
Southern Oregon Northern CA Coho Recovery Plan (SONCC)
Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon Progress Report. 2004-2012, CDFW, 2015.
Final SONCC Coho Recovery Plan, Upper Trinity River Population
CDFW, 2014 (Trinity Dam to Helena).
UC Davis Information Center for the Environment, Natural Resource Projects Inventory
This database provides information on natural resource projects in California, including links to data and information collected by the projects.
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service Geospatial Data Gateway
Environmental and natural resources GIS files are available at this site, along with an interactive national map viewer.
California Integrated Water Quality System - Facilities Regulated by the State and Regional Water Boards
CIWQS Regulated Facilities interactive map of permitted facilities in California. You can zoom in to the watershed of your choice and click on a facility to obtain information.
Deer Conservation and Management Plan, Public Review Draft
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mar. 2015.
Elk Conservation and Management Plan (Draft)
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Nov. 2017.
Fish Consumption Advisories by Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment
Trinity Lake and East Fork Trinity River.
Lewiston Lake, Carrville Pond, and the Trinity River Upstream from Trinity Lake
Health Advisory: Fish Consumption Guidelines for Trinity Lake and Selected Water Bodies in the Trinity River Watershed (Draft)
Lloyd, A., Denton, J. California Environmental Protection Agency, Apr. 2005.
Record of Decision: Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report
US Dept. of Interior, Dec. 2000.
Water Quality Management for Forest System Lands In California; Best Management Practices
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Sept. 2000.
Trinity County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update 2015
Road Related Documents
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Forest Roads Analysis Priority Recommendations West Side Map
June 2002
Shasta-Trinity National Forest Roads Analysis Report
April 2003.
Shasta-Trinity National Forest Sediment Source Inventory and Aquatic and Riparian Resources Road Analysis Process Report
North State Resources, Inc., 2012.
Trinity County Culvert Inventory and Fish Passage Evaluation Final Report
Ross Taylor and Associates for Trinity County Planning Dept., Aug. 2002.
Trinity River Watershed Five Counties Road Erosion Inventory Final Report
Trinity County Planning Department - Natural Resources Division, 2005.
Upper Trinity River Road Inventory
TCRCD, Aug. 2005
TMDL Documents
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board TMDL Project Links:
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Implementation Policy:
The Regional Water Board adopted a TMDL implementation policy statement in 2004 and a subsequent work plan in 2008 that details efforts to address sediment impaired water bodies in the region. The section starting on page 215 is specific to the Trinity River watershed.
The US Environmental Protection Agency established two technical Total Maximum Daily Loads for sediment in the Trinity River watershed:
the South Fork in 1998, followed by the Trinity River watershed in 2001.
South Fork Trinity River and Hayfork Creek Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment, US EPA, Dec. 1998.
Trinity River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment
US EPA, Dec. 2001.
Water Temperatures in the South Fork Trinity River
Prepared for EPA and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board for their consideration during the development of the South Fork Trinity River TMDL. Prepared by Stuart Farber, Timber Products Company, Darrel Rankin, USFS - Shasta Trinity National Forest and Tim Viel, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Oct. 1998.
USFS Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER) Reports - 2015
Shasta Trinity National Forest USFS Burn Area Emergency Response Reports 1999-2015
Watershed Analyses/Assessments within the Trinity River Watershed
Big Creek Watershed Assessment Report
Watershed Research and Training Center, July 2008
Burnt Ranch and Soldier Creek Watershed Analysis
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Apr. 2009.
Eltapom Creek & Corral Creek Planning Watersheds Analysis
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Apr. 2017.
French Creek Watershed Analysis
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Feb. 2010.
Hidden Valley, Plummer Creek, & Rattlesnake Creek Watershed Analysis
Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp for Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Sept. 2001.
Horse Linto, Mill and Tish Tang Creek Watershed Analysis
Six Rivers National Forest, Mar. 2000
Hyampom Watershed Analysis
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, April, 2011
Mainstem Trinity River Watershed Analysis
BLM, 1995
Mainstem Trinity Watershed Analysis
Prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region, Six Rivers National Forest. Natural Resources Management Corporation, May 2003.
Middle Hayfork-Salt Creek Watershed Analysis
URS Greiner Woodward Clyde Group, Apr. 2000.
New River Watershed Analysis
USFS, Apr. 2000.
North Fork Trinity River, East Fork North Fork Trinity River and Canyon Creek Watershed Analysis
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Mar. 2003.
South Fork Trinity River Supplementary Watershed Assessment 2014-2016
Prepared by The Watershed Research and Training Center, Hayfork, CA for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. 58p. + appendices.
Appendices: Water Conservation Measures; Stream Temperature Analysis; Riparian Assessment; Fish Passage and Water Diversion Assessment; and Stream Mouth Assessments
Draft 2024 Upper Trinity Watershed Restoration Assessment and Management Plan
The Watershed Research and Training Center & Trinity County Resource Conservation District, April 2024
Upper Trinity River Watershed Analysis, Including Analysis for: Main Trinity River, Coffee Creek, E. Fork Trinity River, Stuart Fork, and Trinity Reservoir Watersheds
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Mar 2005
Upper Trinity River Watershed Assessment Report & Management and Action Plan
TCRCD, Mar. 2006
Appendix A to above document: Upper Trinity River Sediment Source Analysis, Jim Fitzgerald and GMA, Feb. 2006.
Weaverville Watershed Analysis
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Mar 2004
Watershed Guides and Plans
Action Plan for Restoration of the South Fork Trinity River Watershed and Its Fisheries
Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and The Trinity River Task Force by Pacific Watershed Associates, Jan. 1994.
Hayfork Adaptive Management Area Guide, Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers National Forests
Bureau of Land Management and Pacific Southwest Forest Research Station, Oct. 2004.
North Coast Regional Water Quality Board Watershed Initiative Chapter, Trinity River Watershed Management Area
Provides an overview of the watershed, a description of its water quality concerns and issues, past significant Regional Board activities in the watershed, activities as of 2005, near-term activities that would benefit the watershed, and activities which may happen on a longer time-scale.
Trinity County General Plan
(consists of 5 Elements and 5 Community Plans)
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, May 2011.
West Weaver Creek Assessment and Action Planning
Prepared for TCRCD by ESA PWA, Aug. 2012.