Environmental Education Resource Links

The Trinity County RCD strives to provide fun and engaging ways to inspire everyone to learn more about nature while becoming public land stewards. This list of Environmental Education resources includes activities, lesson plans, videos, and virtual tours that will have you seeing nature in a whole new light.
Beetles Outdoor Science Programs: http://beetlesproject.org/
One of our favorites! Activities and lessons for outdoor and indoor science experiences.
Think like a scientist.
BLM Learning Resources: https://www.blm.gov/educators
“Connecting kids to public lands, Join the adventure!”.
Discover Water! https://www.discoverwater.org/
This super fun and interactive website will have you diving deep
into the watery world that is our planet Earth.
Earth Day (Digital!) https://www.plt.org/news/earth-day-2020/
Freshwater Illustrated (short videos and photography) https://www.freshwatersillustrated.org/
“The Earth’s rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands are deeper than you think.” Check out these great short films, photography, and more!
he Trinity County RCD has a membership with streaming access to all FI feature films, image archive access for educational use,
member discounts on FI prints and products. If you are an educator and interested in incorporating this into your curriculum let us know!
Green Education Foundation (Gardening and Composting): http://www.greeneducationfoundation.org/for-students-landing.html
A broad look at sustainability with lesson plans available for all grades. Includes activities for
recycling, composting, energy saving, and much more.
Learn about Public Lands! https://greatoutdoorslive.org/resources/lesson-plans#2
The great outdoors is waiting…just outside your door! Lesson plans for grades K through 12.
NASA at Home – For Kids and Families: https://www.nasa.gov/nasa-at-home-for-kids-and-families
Explore outer space from your home space! Learn about Earth or travel beyond our planet with these activities and games.
National Environmental Education Foundation: https://www.neefusa.org/
Everything Environmental Ed! Activty guides, educational projects, citizen science projects, educational apps, museum,
and national park tours, and much more.
Nature Crafts and Kits for Kids: https://www.nature-watch.com/
A great catalog of kits and craft supplies to discover the wonders of nature.
Nature Science Kits (many subjects): https://enviroed.sou.edu/kits/
Educators in Southern Oregon can reserve the science kits, but this website also includes activity plans.
Project Learning Tree: https://www.plt.org/activities-for-families/
Some of our most frequently used activities for youth-based field trips. Play detective, explore a local park,
backyard discoveries, indoor activities, and more.
Project WET: https://www.projectwet.org/distancelearning
Another popular resource that we use. Includes free at-home learning resources.
STEM Activities for Kids: https://www.sciencebuddies.org/stem-activities
Inspire young scientists with these engaging and fun science activities.
Trinity River Website: http://trinityriver.org/
We work continuously to bring you the latest Trinity River news and resources.
Do you recreate on the Trinity River or neighboring tributaries?
Do you own a river related business? Reach out and we may be able to include you on the Trinity River website.
Trinity River Restoration: https://www.trrp.net/
Why is restoration of the Trinity River important? What are key factors for returning and maintaining health fish populations?
There is a lot to learn about our local watersheds! Find out more about the Fish in the Trinity River.
Check out https://www.trrp.net/program-structure/background/fish-of-the-trinity/
or any of the restoration actions under the Restoration tab.
University of California Cooperative Extension – Trinity County: http://cetrinity.ucanr.edu
Forestry, 4-H, Master Gardener resources, and healthy living information.
University of Oregon Natural and Cultural History Museum: https://mnch.uoregon.edu/museum-home
Virtual museum tour, collections gallery, teaching resources, and more.
US Forest Service Learning Resources: https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/stnf/learning
Visit the USFS Learning Center to learn more about nature, science, history, culture, outdoor safety and ethics,
as well as resources for kids, parents, and teachers!
Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper: https://www.monarchmilkweedmapper.org/
Helps monitor milkweed populations and learn about Monarch Butterflies!
Wilderness Education! https://carhart.wilderness.net/education/default.php
Get wild about nature with these wilderness investigation toolkits for all grades.
Have more suggestions? Let us know! Contact Duncan McIntosh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.