Education & Outreach
The District offers assistance and information to Trinity County residents on a daily basis. We are always just a phone call away, and welcome all who come to our door. Our Education and Outreach programs covers everything from specific educational programs, to support of multi-agency events designed to reach the broadest possible audience. As technology evolves, we continue to add new ways to provide information people need to protect, manage, conserve, and restore the natural resources found in Trinity County. Our Facebook page, the Trinity County RCD, offers immediate electronic coverage and feedback.
Our annual events include:
- Environmental Camp at Bar 717
- Day at the Wetlands and River Days with schools
- The Plant and Seed Exchange at the Young Family Ranch
- The Trinity River Salmon Festival
- The Weaverville Summer Day Camp (three, week-long sessions)
- The Trinity County Fair
- Fundraisers
Other events that we co-facilitate and participate in:
- Annual Apple Festival
- Environmental science based symposiums and workshops
- Fire ecology events
- Nature walks and hikes
- Salmon celebration events in Hoopa and Hyampom
- and More!
Environmental Camp at Bar 717

Monitoring Stream Flow
Each year 6th grade students from Trinity Alps Preparatory attend a three-day, two-night, Environmental Camp at the breathtakingly beautiful Bar 717 Ranch in Hyampom. 6th graders from Hayfork Elementary School attend a one day field trip to this environmental camp as well. They explore and have fun learning about all of the wonders of nature. Some educational topics are: water quality, stream flow, lichens, wildlife tracks and scat, Silviculture, forestry, birding, Macroinvertebrates, archery, Botany, and more! We appreciate all of the support that goes into this camp including: school staff and volunteers, Bar 717 Ranch owners and staff, Trinity River Restoration Program, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Forest Service, District staff, and other natural resource professionals who volunteer their own time to make this camp fun and educational.
The Plant and Seed Exchange

Since 2008, and every year since, the District coordinates the free Plant and Seed Exchange at the Young Family Ranch for Trinity County’s new and seasoned plant enthusiasts. The Plant and Seed Exchange provides a family friendly event for people to share their plant starts, seeds, plant cuttings, and divisions. Plants are donated by community members, Ace Hardware, and the University of California (UC) Master Gardener’s Program. Holiday Market has donated food for the bike blender fundraiser. The UC Master Gardener’s provided support throughout the event, lead tours of gardening demonstrations, and offers some fun activities for the kids. This event also has many crafts and activities for kids, live music, delicious fresh meals, and informational and educational booths.
Trinity River Salmon Festival

2018 was the 20th Anniversary of the Trinity River Salmon Festival. The festival started off with a traditional Tribal Blessing and song by Sonny Hayward from the Nor-Rel-Muk Wintu Nation to welcome the return of the salmon. There was plenty of excitement to be had with live musical guests, the live animal show from Turtle Bay Exploration Park, Raku pottery firing at Studio G, salmon printing, button making, locally grown and harvested produce, native plant sale, traditionally smoked salmon by members of the Wintu Tribe, large Salmon tent, and much more.
This event is sponsored by the Trinity River Restoration Program and the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce. A special thanks to the California Conservation Corps for their volunteer efforts
Weaverville Summer Day Camp

2019 was a particularly memorable year for Weaverville Summer Day Camp. Campers ages 6-12 spent three weeks outside learning and experiencing nature, food, farming, upcycle crafts, conservation, and much more. Campers learned about our natural environment and how important it is to protect and preserve it. Campers were able to create and eat healthy snacks in a fun and engaging camp environment. All while making new friends and expressing their individual creativity. The Summer Day Camp is the perfect place for children to create, explore, and learn without even knowing it!