West Weaver Creek Salmonid Habitat Rehabilitation Project
Construction on this project began August 21, 2017 and was completed October 13, 2017. Revegetation of the site will be completed in December 2017 – January 2018. Vegetation maintenance and monitoring will continue for the next several years.
It took many dedicated people working together to complete this project. The RCD would like to thank the private property owners on West Weaver Creek for their patience and time; California Department of Water Resources and Trinity River Restoration Program for funding; and support through partnerships and program work with the North Coast Resource Partnership, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Department, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Forest Service, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and the NOAA Restoration Center. Additional thanks go to Environmental Science Associates - our worthy team of consultants who provided endless advice and technical support; and McCullough Construction, Inc. who made the years of planning and preparation become a reality.
For more information on the project:
Slide show overview of the project (7 Mb PDF)
IS/MND Final CEQA document (12 Mb PDF)
Decision Memo Final NEPA document (18 Mb PDF)

West Weaver Creek
About the project
The Trinity County Resource Conservation District (TCRCD), in collaboration with the US Forest Service and private land owners, is rehabilitating a portion of West Weaver Creek severely impacted by past mining practices and wildfires.
Partially located in the Weaverville Community Forest, the Project allows local stewardship of important natural resources and strengthens development of community-based conservation between public land managers and private property owners.
The purpose of the Project is to restore channel and floodplain connectivity and improve salmonid habitat along with natural creek function.
Implementation of this Project is funded through a generous grant from the California Department of Water Resources through the North Coast Resource Partnership and the Trinity River Restoration Program.
The project map (below) gives an overview of the planned rehabilitation. |
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