Input sought for Weaverville Community Forest lands
Sounds of logging fill West Weaver Creek canyon as Phase I of the Weaverville Community Forest Strategic Plan nears completion.
Contractor Stan Leach is running this logging operation, expected to continue through August. More than 70 truckloads of logs had been removed as of August 8, with more than 300,000 board-feet harvested and sold to Trinity River Mill in Weaverville.
A primary goal voiced at public meetings about the community forest is to preserve it as a beautiful backdrop to Weaverville. Reducing fuel loads through a carefully designed thinning process opens up timber stands, improves forest health and lowers wildfire risk.
Phase I encompasses about 200 acres and similar limited operations will occur in other parts of the forest in future years. Funds generated from logging are applied to other projects on the forest, including trail work, interpretative signs, monitoring and stream restoration.
Weaverville Community Forest now covers 984 acres of public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). A unique partnership between the Trinity County Resource Conservation District (RCD) and the BLM, formed through a contractual stewardship agreement, makes it possible for the community to guide the management and use of this forest.
Over 35 interested persons joined RCD and USFS representatives in Weaverville August 8 to explore expanding the community forest onto Weaver Basin lands administered by USFS, possibly through a similar stewardship agreement. The meeting was to hear ideas about opportunities these forestlands may provide the community. Ideas include making the forest more fire safe and healthier while producing logs for our local mill; restoring burned forestlands; providing for a wide range of recreation from hiking and biking trails to OHV and paintball; and providing outdoor education opportunities.
To send your ideas about the Community Forest or to get more information about the Weaverville Community Forest visit the WCF page on the web, or call us at 530-623-6004.