Free Conservation Planning
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office in Weaverville is accepting sign-ups now from private landowners for 2007 Conservation Planning. The free conservation planning is for farmers, ranchers, non-industrial timber landowners and other agricultural operations in Trinity County who desire conservation planning assistance on lands they own or manage.
Landowners who desire technical assistance from NRCS conservationists to prepare comprehensive soil and water conservation plans on their property are encouraged to sign up for conservation planning between March 15 and June 1 to receive priority planning status. Participants will receive soils information and soils map, color aerial photo and topographic maps of their property. NRCS will work with landowners to complete a self-assessment workbook to help them identify the resource concerns, goals and objectives for their properties. This information will help guide NRCS planners in developing a personalized conservation plan.
Benefits of preparing a voluntary conservation plan for private landowners are many, according to District Conservationist Jim Spear. “A well thought out conservation plan helps landowners implement projects on their land that meet their goals and objectives while also improving natural resource conditions on cropland, irrigated pasture, rangelands, orchards and vineyards.” Having a conservation plan in place can help a landowner when applying for USDA programs that provide cost-share financial assistance to implement sound conservation practices, Spear explained.
To sign up for the Conservation Planning assistance contact Jim Spear or Tiffany Riess at the Trinity County USDA-NRCS Field Office at #3 Horseshoe Lane (PO Box 1450), Weaverville, CA 96093; telephone (530) 623-3991, extensions 104 or 109; or, find the application form (33Kb PDF) at the RCD’s website.