RCD To Lead Watershed Coordination
The RCD entered into an agreement in January 2004 with
the Trinity County Planning Department to provide local
expertise on watersheds critical to the restoration of the Trinity River,
with a focus on the tributaries between Lewiston and Junction City. Restoration
work in these tributaries is a key element of the overall restoration
strategy for the river. The District was asked to provide watershed coordination
in concert with efforts being made by the Trinity River Restoration
Program (TRRP) and Trinity County Planning Department,
because of the District’s expertise in landowner outreach and community
The District has a great deal of experience working with the full range
of interested parties on conservation issues, including the various federal,
state, regional and local government agencies involved in the Trinity
River restoration. The District also works closely with private landowners
on these same issues, from the planning stage through acquisition of funds
to implementation of projects. The Trinity Adaptive Management
Working Group, a stakeholder advisory group appointed by the
Secretary of Interior, and Trinity Management
Council have approved the proposal to have the District provide
local coordination that includes the following:
- Coordinate efforts and serve as a liaison between the
Trinity River Restoration Program and other agencies on watershed
analysis and evaluations;
- Reach out to private landowners interested in restoration
projects involving fisheries and/or watershed restoration;
- Educate landowners and stakeholders about effective
watershed and tributary restoration practices;
- Implement small, demonstration projects on private
- Assist the Trinity River Restoration Program in development
of the watershed restoration component of its Strategic Plan;
- Coordinate with public and private landowners to develop
and prioritize watershed restoration needs; &
- Secure significant matching grant funds to implement
those restoration projects that will improve fishery habitat in
the Trinity River and its tributaries downstream of Lewiston Dam.