Volunteer Fire Departments
Begin Landowner Fire Safe Inspections
Want to know how fire safe your house is? Thanks to a grant from the Trinity County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), you likely will have a chance to find out. The RAC is providing money from the Secure Schools and Community Self-determination Act of 2000 to support the Volunteer Fire Department Inspection Project – also known as the “Big Red Truck project”. The 16 volunteer fire departments in Trinity County will be going out to conduct fire safe inspections with their Fire Engines within the areas where they provide fire protection. Volunteer Firefighters will complete a simple inspection form that will give each landowner an idea of how safe their property is and recommendations for improving the defensibility of the property against a fire. A copy will be given to the landowner, one kept on file with the Volunteer Fire Department and one returned to the TCRCD and Volunteer Fire Chiefs’ Association. At the same time, other fire safe and fuels reduction information
will be given to the landowner to help them implement the recommendations.
“Having a Big Red Truck coming down your road or driveway is about the best way I know of demonstrating the critical need for adequate access for emergency vehicles, including sufficient turnaround space, clearance, and bridge strength”, said Jesse Cox, Chairman of the Volunteer Fire Chiefs’ Association.
The idea for this project grew out of discussions between the Trinity County Fire Safe Council, the Volunteer Fire Chiefs’ Association and the RAC — all have identified forest health, reducing the amount of fuels in our forests and around residences on the forest edge as a top priority. All of us have to work together to reduce the risk of wildfires moving between the federal and private lands. The Volunteer Fire Chiefs’ Association and Trinity County Fire Safe Council have spearheaded most of the efforts in Trinity County to develop and implement fuels reduction and forest health projects across the landscape. The volunteer departments have been a critical link between the Fire Safe Council and the local communities. This program provides an excellent opportunity for the Volunteer Fire Departments to provide one-on-one landowner outreach and education regarding fire safety and emergency access, and the volunteer departments receive much-needed funds to support their
departments. The Volunteer Fire Departments will be paid $25 per inspection that is completed in the wildland/urban interface zone up to a maximum of $5,000 per Department (or 200 inspections).
This issue of the Conservation Almanac is being funded in part by grants from the State Water Resources Control Board, Department of Fish and Game, Bureau of Reclamation, Trinity County Title III, and Sacramento Regional Foundation